Saturday, July 30, 2022

Packing Bags! We are going to Fiji♥

 I can't tell you how beyond excited I feel about this vacation!

I have been in second life for 12 years, and I have never been on vacation in second life. I have lived in a hotel before in second life, and I do mean lived in because I stayed there for about, I would say 3-4 months, I'm not sure.

I quit my first and second job because things happened and it didn't work out, but as soon as I closed that chapter in my second life, another ample opportunity presented itself to me, and I couldn't say no.

You can read more about this on my

Urban RootsBistro blog.

Me and my partners David and Gabriel (who I also work for)

we were chilling in my Bistro, having a good time talking. I told them we should go on a vacation together. It would be so lovely. Both loved the idea because they often go on holidays and short trips within second life.

We started planning; I said that to them maybe at the end of August or September.

Two days later, we started looking at where we would like to go and found this stunning and fantastic resort called YANUYANU Resort.

David and I saw the pictures, and we were floored. This place is so beautiful That I don't even know where to start. Later that day, I also showed Gabriel; he was just as floored.

We didn't want to pick the first place we saw but also felt like this was a place that we all wanted to go to.

As I said, I had my eyes set on the end of August or September, but little did I know the guys had been working behind the scenes planning to go much sooner than we initially said.

One day when I was heading into work at my Bistro, Gabriel messaged me and said we would make reservations at YANUYANU Resort today. Pack a small bag.

I was like, "wait a minute, are we going sooner than we first planned?"

Gabriel just said," we might be, so get ready."


I didn't know what to think or say. I just did what he told me to do

a little while later, David gets "home."

Before we went to the resort, we decided to go on a shopping spree and hang out; it was so much fun!

We get to the resort, and after waiting a little while, we get help with our reservation.

Here comes my surprise…

David gave them all the information, including the dates we were staying, from the 7th to the 14th of August.

When I heard the dates being said, I remember telling David that my real-life birthday was on the 3rd of August, so the guys had planned to do the vacation just days after my real-life birthday.

My heart just melted, to be honest.

I don't know if they planned it to happen that way, but it turned out perfectly.

when David showed me all the things had planned and put together, 

I felt so emotional in a good way because I'm really not used to being treated the way David and Gabriel treat me. Seeing and feeling how they treat me has made me realize that I need to weed out some of the people I know in second life because I now know they are not treating me as I am supposed to be.

We are flying first class,

we are scuba diving, we are horseback riding, we are doing spa days

we are eating dinners at the restaurant.

I am so overwhelmed in such a fantastic way I can hardly wait for this, and I know the guys feel the same way.

I'm not going to tell you what the grand total was, but I can tell you It's NOT Cheap.

Stay tuned! Much more to come shortly.

/Tessa Pitbull Blackwood


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